3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro is a product that can import 3D models of venues and export them innto relatively lightweight HTML assets that can then easily be viewed and navigated on both desktop and mobile browsers. More information can be found here: https//www.3dvista.com/en/products/virtualtour
GEVME provides seamless integration with 3DVista. Exported HTML files from 3DVista can easily be imported into GEVME.
With this integration, GEVME:
- Provides secure and scalable hosting for 3DVista assets
- Converts content panels from 3DVista into interactive and clickable
- Transforms 3DVista assets into reusable and customisable venues using
Displaying GEVME Blocks Through Click Event
Inserting Replaceable Cover Images
Exporting From 3DVista For GEVME
Importing 3DVista Files to GEVME (To be updated)