We're excited to announce several new features and improvements to the Gevme platform this month that will enhance the user experience for both organizers and attendees.

Reactions for live streaming and videos:

We've added reactions for live streaming and videos to help increase engagement and participation during events. Attendees can now use emoji reactions to show their feelings and reactions in real time, providing a more interactive and engaging experience. This feature will make events more dynamic and fun, encouraging attendees to participate and interact with each other.

Revamped page filters:

We've also improved the page filters to make it easier for organizers to find and access the information they need. The new filters are more intuitive and user-friendly, providing faster access to key information and features. This will help organizers save time and stay organized, allowing them to focus on creating successful events.

Other updates:

In addition to these major updates, we've also addressed several bugs to improve the overall performance and user experience of the platform. We've fixed a bug that caused the event tag details to be missing from custom user properties, and another bug that prevented tags from being edited continuously. We've also addressed issues with the ordering of sessions in the Agenda block, and with the real-time update of offline and online participants.

We've also increased the product name limit from 90 characters to 150 characters, and added integrations with Calendly to make it easier for Organizers to connect with our sales team and schedule meetings.

We've also added automatic generation of SEO tags for public pages. This means organizers can now simply create a public page and add their content, Gevme will take care of all SEO tags. We have added additional meta tags in the Open Graph to improve the visibility and discoverability of events. Now you can share the event website pages, landing pages in any social media like Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and we’ll automatically show page thumbnail and descriptions.

Overall, these updates and improvements will help make Gevme more engaging and interactive for attendees, and provide organizers with more tools and options for creating successful events. We're committed to constantly improving the platform and providing the best possible experience for our users.