OBS Studio is a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.
OS Support: Windows, MacOS, Linux
Website: obsproject.com

Mute Desktop & Device Audio

As a best practice, make sure to Mute the desktop and device mic audio on the audio settings located on the right-hand side of the application. This is to prevent the desktops audio as well as the device's mic audio from going into the stream. 

Stream Settings

Navigate your way to the settings button located on the right-hand side of the screen. 

Click on "Stream" tab  to set the following settings:

  • Service - Select "Custom"
  • Server - Copy paste the "RTMP URL" from GEVME Live Channel
  • Stream Key - Copy paste the "Stream Key" from GEVME Live Channel

Output Settings

Click on "Output" tab to adjust the Bitrate settings with the following values: 

Video Settings

Click on "Video" tab to adjust the resolution of the stream output: