About this Module

To broadcast an activity or make highlights to attendees, you can set up announcements. They then can be immediately on-demand or schedule a specific time

Create Announcement

In the Settings Panel on the left, under Push Engagement, click on Announcements.

In the widget, click on Create Announcement.



The title is the text that appears at the top of the livebar panel when it's open.


The description is where you can place the message of your announcement.


The CTA is your Call-To-Action button that you can add the CTA Text to be used, the CTA Link - this link to be pop-up or open in new tab. 

You can choose the Button Background Color and Button Text Color to highlight your CTA.


This enables you to create the Announcement Sender Profile that you upload the Name and Image of the Sender.


Specifies the position of your Announcement on the Livepage. Options for this are:

  • Bottom Left (default option)
  • Top Left
  • Top Centered
  • Top Right
  • Centered
  • Bottom Centered
  • Bottom Right


Specifies whether the Announcement is to be auto-closed or close by the participants. 

The timing of the auto-closed announcement can be set in seconds. 

Configure Send Settings

This enables you to set if the Announcements will be pushed for 

  • All Livepages at the event 
  • or Specific Livepages.


The timing or moment when the Announcements will be pushed. 

  • Now
  • Schedule a specific Date / Time / Timezone
  • Based on trigger
  • When the livepage loads
  • A specific amount of time (by minute) after the livepage loads

Manage Announcements

For every Announcements set, you can:

  • Cancel
  • Save Draft 

If you are still testing the Announcement, simply save it as a Draft and revise it later. 

  • Set Live/Schedule/Trigger

Depending on your settings, the following action will be different - Live / Schedule / Trigger; however, you will be able to review your settings for all scenarios before "live" them. 

At last, you will be able to review all Scheduled / Sent / Draft Announcements within the Module.